Life am I right?

Hello, Beloved Friends and followers.
today's quote was picked by yours truly, your welcome.
"Even the darkest nights will end, and the sun will rise" -Victor Hugo.
I'm not sure who this guy is, but he's a pretty obvious dude.
This quote (too me) is say, change will happen whether we like it or not, I think we all known this in a, particularly painful way.
I know, I don't exactly like change in some parts of my life, I don't like to move to other places and states, I don't like having to make new friends, I don't like having to read a new book, but I have to its just life.
I like to say, "Life is changing and you can't stop change."
When I was younger my family moved quite a bit and I absolutely hated it, it's so difficult for me to make friends and I didn't want to lose the ones I had, but that didn't mean we didn't have to move it just meant I hated the idea.
point is things are going to change you are going to get old, things are gonna move around, people are going to die, and night will always turn today; I know that it's scary and we don't usually want it, but all things work for the good of man.
Change is difficult and I'm not talking about rearranging your bedroom, but its all gonna work out in the end I promise.

Welp that's all I have to say, Goodbye my beloved friends and followers.
Please comment, give me your opinion, talk to me, give me a quote to talk about next.
