Change the world? NA-A-A-AH

Hello, Beloved friends and followers!
today's quote was given to me by my cousin, Abigail Worthy.\
"The world isn't perfect. it's a mess. it has always been a mess. we are not going to change it. our job is to straighten our lives."
~Joseph Campbell.
Let me start by saying this... I disagree with this in some ways.
You "WHA-A-A-A-A-AT!"
Yeah I know, whatever right? But see this quote says the world isn't perfect and it is a mess *deep breath* Actually. the world is perfect even down to the position it is, in the universe. the water, the earth, gravity, the air, everything; it is perfect.
what isn't perfect is the people they are lying, stealing, cheating, jerks; there is a difference and I refuse to say that this perfect world is imperfect because my idiotic race call humans have used this perfect world for their evil deeds.
and we can change the "world" (people) the way we treat people can change the way they treat everyone else, unless we care about the people of this earth and show them that we care things would be a whole lot better.
But I do agree with the fact that it is OUR job to straighten OUR lives out, nothing is gonna get better if we just sit there and do nothing, if we keep doing the wrong things, if we stand by and watch people get hurt, IF WE SIT THERE AND DO NOTHING WHILE WE WATCH THE WORLD BURN IN THE FLAMES CAUSE NO ONE WILL BE THE WATER AND PUT IT OUT! *Sighs* I really care about you guys, I care about all of you and I have to watch all of you burning with the flames of pain and sadness every day, I want to be the water that will give a relief from the pain of life...
(Please comment Quotes or topics to talk about or if you just want to talk that's fine too)

that's all I have to say...
                     Goodbye My Beloved Friends And Followers... <3
P.S. (I'm guilty too)


  1. I love this... Amazing job! And well said! 😊

  2. Smart way to disagree... I have to agree on the fact that WE are the ones who have to change.


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